Man touching his back in pain area.

General Back Wellness Tips

Overwhelming stress on the spine due to overexertion is often the cause of spinal discomfort or, in extreme cases, severe back pain. However, everyday activities involved in both active and sedentary lifestyles can both cause or contribute to back pain. This back pain may initially seem less severe, but it can grow over time. At Brenner Chiropractic, we prioritize educating patients to be able to make health- and spine- conscious lifestyle decisions. These back wellness tips will help you to navigate your life, minimizing back pain as much as possible.

While Sitting:

Sedentary lifestyles can have a detrimental impact on your spine without these precautions.

  • Sit upright in a chair with a firm cushion. Slouching can lead to bad posture habits, eventually causing your spine to misalign.
  • Rather than extending your legs outward, sit with your feet flat on the floor, or slightly elevated. Ideally, your knees should be above your hips.
  • Do not cross your legs at the knees. This can affect circulation to the legs, and worsen existing back conditions.
correct back sitting position

While sitting at the office:

  • Get up to stretch your legs frequently. Stretching throughout the day will prevent pain from building up, and give your mind a much-needed break from the stress of the workplace.
  • Get an office chair that fits your build. Ideally, the backs of your knees should extend two inches past the seat when sitting. Similarly, use the lumbar support bar to place the seat just below the height of your kneecaps (when standing). Chairs that tilt backwards will help you to rest while reading emails and not actively engaged.
  • Keep your knees at a 90-120 degree angle. An angled footrest can help you to do this while staying comfortable.
  • Raise your computer monitor(s) so that the top is in your eyeline to limit neck strain.

While Standing:

Proper posture while standing is equally as important as posture when sitting.

  • Keep your head level. Raising or lowering your neck for a significant period of time can affect your spine.
  • Do not wear high heels in situations where you will be standing for extended periods of time.
  • Rely on your stomach muscles to keep your body straight. Placing the weight anywhere else in your body might slightly offset the spine.
Correct and Incorrect Standing and Walking Posture Man.

While Working Around the House:

Even the most innocent household chores can have a slight effect on your spinal health, and accumulate over time.

  • Stretch before and after demanding physical activities like yard work, home maintenance, and sports.
  • Always wear the strap attached to large, hand-operated tools. Not only will it be more secure during an accident, but it will also distribute the weight more evenly.
  • During long, physically uninvolved activities such as ironing and dishwashing, remove the stress from your spine by keeping the knees slightly bent and contracting the core muscles.
Wrong and correct positions for talking via smart phone

Cell Phone Usage:

The way that many people use cell phones can negatively affect both the spine and neck.

  • Instead of bending your neck down to your phone to type and read text messages, raise the phone to your eye line. This will prevent “neck craning”, which causes major neck damage.
  • Do not hold the phone between your ear and shoulder. Speaking with the phone held up to your ear normally or on speakerphone prevents neck damage.
  • Ideally, you should use a headset or switch between holding the phone in either hand.

When Sleeping or Relaxing:

The most comfortable option for you isn’t always the most comfortable for your spine.

  • Avoid using a couch armrest as a pillow, or bending your neck on a pillow. These can both cause strain on your neck.
  • Stay away from especially soft mattresses. Speak to your Chiropractor about the ideal mattress for your spine.
  • Do not sleep in especially enclosed spaces like chairs.
  • Avoid sleeping on your stomach. Instead, sleep on your side with your knees bent (with a pillow in between), or on your back with your knees elevated (normally with a pillow).
  • Sleep on one pillow (not two) so as to keep your neck and vertebrae even with each other.

When Lifting:

These rules don’t apply exclusively to the gym. It’s good practice to keep these rules in mind during deliberate weight training, as well as incidental lifting.

  • Never make a twist or turn motion while lifting. Instead, step toward your destination.
  • When bending to lift a heavy object, do so at the knees rather than the waist. Also, keep your feet in place 12-18 inches apart from each other.
  • Keep the stress off of your back and on your arms and thighs as you rise.
  • When partaking in repetitive lifting (unloading a truck, stocking shelves), take frequent breaks. If possible, utilize equipment that can limit strain.
Proper posture to lift a heavy object safely

By following these simple Chiropractic tips, you can limit the amount of damage that you cause to your body in circumstantial environments. Contact the Bellmore, NY Chiropractic office Brenner Chiropractic with any questions about how you can adapt your lifestyle to be better suited for Chiropractic health.