chiropractor performing laser therapy on a woman's knee

Laser Therapy and Chiropractic: How Does It Work?

Chiropractic care has been around for over 123 years, and in that time, professionals have made a lot of progress. The advent of the flexion distraction technique during the 1960s made Chiropractic a fitting technique for pregnant women and people requiring less aggressive treatment. In 2004, the federal government recognized the public’s interest in Chiropractic, and the impact that it had. Now, many families treat Chiropractic as a normal aspect of healthcare, even receiving consistent Chiropractic treatment. Laser therapy and Chiropractic are often used in conjunction to treat patients more effectively. In this post, we’ll detail how laser therapy can potentially help you.


When did Laser Therapy Start?

Laser therapy and Chiropractic, also called low light laser therapy (LLLT), first came to prominence during the mid-2000’s.

Taking Einstein’s theory about laser technology, Andre Mester performed tests on mice to see if laser therapy caused cancer. He was surprised to instead find that it catalyzed hair growth. From there, laser therapy was applied in many different disciplines in medicine. These include muscle and joint pain, stiffness, muscle spasms, and wound healing in general.

Now, it is a staple for many Chiropractic offices.


How does Chiropractic Laser Therapy Work?

Before treating the patient with laser therapy and Chiropractic, the Chiropractor will perform a thorough assessment. As with all other patients, the Chiropractor will determine a thorough treatment plan, which may include laser therapy.

Generally the size of a small flashlight, cold lasers are held directly by the Chiropractor during therapy sessions. To apply the therapy, the Chiropractor holds this laser over the injured area between 30 seconds and several minutes. The duration of laser exposure depends on the size of and amount of injured structures, as well as the strength of the laser.

laser therapy

As the skin is continuously exposed to the light, the photons pass through the various layers of skin. After reaching the targeted area beyond the skin, the light interacts with various elements in the cell, providing energy. As the cells are exposed to light, the tissue damage heals, expediting healing time and reducing inflammation.


What Conditions are Treated with Chiropractic Laser Therapy?

Depending on related conditions, there are a range of injuries that laser therapy and Chiropractic can be used to heal. These conditions often range in severity from minor discomfort to severe pain.

Injuries commonly treated by Chiropractic and Laser Therapy:

  • Tendonitis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Back pain
  • Arthritis pain
  • Neck pain
  • Knee pain
laser therapy


4 Advantages of Chiropractic Laser Therapy

While it may not technically be a form of natural pain management, Chiropractic and laser therapy still carries many advantages.

  1. Non-Invasive: As a non-invasive technique, LLLT does not require an extended recovery time. This means that patients can heal immediately.
  2. Non-Medicative: Many back pain healing strategies involve some form of medication, inevitably leading to side effects. LLLT does not cause any side effects, as it does not introduce foreign chemicals.
  3. Time-Efficient Treatment: Because Chiropractic and laser therapy directly targets one area, it may lead to a faster healing process.
  4. Pain-Free: Not only does Chiropractic and laser therapy make for an effective treatment, it does so without causing peripheral harm. So, patients can enjoy a pain-free treatment.


When Cold Laser Therapy Should Not Be Used

While Chiropractic and laser therapy offers myriad benefits, there are some limits to its benefits.

This technique is not safe for those with lesions, especially cancerous lesions. Also, it is not ideal for treatment over the thyroid, or for pregnant patients, because of potential effects on unborn children.

To keep both parties safe, the Chiropractor and the patients wear eye protection during the procedure.


Try Chiropractic and Laser Therapy

For many patients, LLLT can be a worthy addition to a Chiropractic treatment plan. With the right care, laser therapy can help an individual to overcome many conditions. Contact us to arrange an assessment and treatment today.